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2023 Edition

More or less
13 July / 1 October 2023

Director Veronica Nicolardi
Artistic Director Paolo Woods

Statement by the Artistic Director

The top priority on the list of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is to “eradicate poverty.” For my entire life, I have been taught that this was an attainable goal and that the solution was going to be the middle class. Disappointment over the failures of egalitarian ideologies and fears about the excesses of capitalism would be diluted by the success of democracies, which would even out the extremes and give us a more structured middle class that would rule the world.

This did not happen. According to most metrics, the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. An average American would need to work for three million years to become as rich as the richest American, some of whom are richer than entire countries.

More than ever, the categories of More or Less define the world we live in, our aspirations, our fears, our affiliations. Abundance versus scarcity, the unnecessary versus the essential, the happy few versus the masses, accumulating versus shedding.

Francis of Assisi famously married “Lady Poverty,” and the Bible says that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God,” but most religions around the world now promise that “God will lift you out of poverty and make you rich.”

More and Less are categories whose value changes over the years and across geographies. They are not only economic categories; they are also ontological ones, a prism through which we view the world. From architecture to music, from fashion to literature, from cuisine to sports, almost everything could be seen as sitting on one side or the other of this emblematic divide.

We feel the time is ripe to investigate how these antipodes, More or Less, shape our world vision, our ideologies and our behavior. They are at the core of the stories we tell, be it king Midas, cursed for always wanting more and starved to death by his own golden touch, or the emperor with his new clothes, as told by Andersen, so obsessed with his desire that others see he had more that he could not even recognize that he actually had on less than anyone else.

More or Less are also themes very dear to photography, with entire genres having developed around the two. At Cortona On The Move 2023 we will explore More, looking at the past and present, and we will dwell Less on the stereotypes, delivering a program rich in ideas for understanding our world and poor in simplifications.

That’s More or Less it!

Curated by Paolo Woods



Get Rich or Die Tryin’
A cura di Lars Lindemann & Paolo Woods

Get Rich or Die Tryin’

Larry Fink Class Issues

Larry Fink

“Ambiziosamente tua” - Amore e classi sociali nel fotoromanzo

“Ambiziosamente tua” – Love and Social Classes in the Fotoromanzo

Massimo Vitali
Standing Still

Massimo Vitali

©Archivio Publifoto Intesa Sanpaolo

Il caso “Africo”. From the Intesa Sanpaolo Publifoto Archive

Chauncey Hare
Working Class Heroes

Chauncey Hare

Fabiola Ferrero
The Wells Run Dry

Fabiola Ferrero

Nick Hannes
Garden of Earthly Delights

Nick Hannes

Reiner Riedler

Reiner Riedler

Barbara Iweins

Barbara Iweins

Nikita Teryoshin
Nothing Personal – The Back Office of War

Nikita Teryoshin

Michaël Zumstein 
Aka Zidane

Michaël Zumstein

Irina Werning
Lessons on How to Survive Inflation from a Pro

Irina Werning

James Mollison
Where Children Sleep

James Mollison

Sebastián Montalvo Gray 

Sebastián Montalvo Gray

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Marco Tiberio & Maria Ghetti
Invisible Cities Calais

Marco Tiberio & Maria Ghetti

Gerald von Foris
One Day, Son, This Will All Be Yours

Gerald von Foris

Hans Eijkelboom
10-Euro Outfits

Hans Eijkelboom

Zed Nelson

Marco Zanella

Marco Zanella

Fausto Podavini

Marco Garofalo
Ultima Chance

Marco Garofalo

Hong Lei
A Trilogy of Evolution

Focus on China

Marina Planas
Warlike Approaches to Tourism: All Inclusive

Marina Planas

Cince Johnston

Cortona On The Move Award (second edition)

From the 2,000 photographic projects submitted, the jury selected the three winners presented below: first place winner Valery Poshtarov with ‘Father and Son’ won the €3,000 prize and the opportunity to exhibit at the next edition of the festival; second and third place winners Javier Arcenillas with ‘Dought’ and Alexandra Polina with ‘Steindamm-Atlas’ had their work published in LensCulture.


Click here for the full program

Portfolio Reviews

Tina Ahrens
Michele Bella
Jim Casper
Antonio Carloni
Andrea Comollo
Giada De Agostinis
Edda Fahrenhorst
Gianmarco Gamberini
Nathalie Herschdorfer
Peppe La Rosa
Anne Leighton Massoni
Elisa Medde
Emanuela Mirabelli
Aya Musa
Azu Nwagbogu
Arianna Rinaldo
Anna Shpakova

Vittoria Castagna Award (first edition)

Vittoria Castagna Prize (first edition)
The first edition of the Vittoria Castagna Prize is proposed in 2023. Launched by the ONTHEMOVE Cultural Association as part of the international photography festival Cortona On The Move, it is aimed at young people in training or who have already completed their studies (max. age 30) working in the field of marketing and communication for cultural production.
The project selection jury included, in addition to the board of the ONTHEMOVE Cultural Association, members of the festival team and experts working in the fields of cultural planning and management and marketing and communication for culture, some of whom were representatives of the educational institutions where the call for entries was circulated, in particular

Dario Consoli – Cultural Manager & Communication Strategist | Coordinator of CRPC Program at Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
Guido Guerzoni – Adjunct Professor of Museum Management at Università Bocconi and CEO formules
Andrea Massera – COTM Communication Director
Giulia Miniero – Associate Professor of Marketing, Chair of the Business and Economics division – Franklin University Switzerland
Veronica Nicolardi – COTM Director
Beatrice Ravelli – COTM Partnership Manager
Valentina Toscano – Content Manager Art & Culture – 24ORE Business School
Michela Addis – Full Professor of Economics and Management – University of Roma Tre
Vera Canevazzi – Professor of Art Market Accademia SantaGiulia Brescia

The prize was awarded to Silvia Bonaventura.