Barbara Iweins

Barbara Iweins has always been an obsessive collector. The objects are her anchors, nevertheless, every time she moves, she is overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of stuff she accumulates.
After her eleventh move, she felt lost, so she decided to photograph the 12,795 objects in her home, indexing and classifying them. The statistic that really stands out is that only 1% of the objects have any true sentimental value.
Through this intimate self-portrait, accompanied by 50 short stories, she hopes to evoke the memorial power of objects and to force the viewer to confront our extreme consumer society.


Barbara Iweins (b. 1974, Bruxelles, Belgium) is a photographer and collector. She continues to classify, gather and archive her photographic subjects.

Under the patronage of

Under the patronage and with the contribution of

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With the contribution of


Charity Partner