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We have started setting up COTM 2018 in the new location Palazzo Capannelli. Here’s a sneak peek of what is going on.


Watching the exhibitions taking shape is always a pleasure. However, setting up is just the last step of a detailed planning process lasting several months.

In the months leading up to the opening weekend, the team focused on planning and production. The two often go together: editing, choosing the best print quality and sizes, the right frame and layout of the exhibition… After having nailed down all the details, it’s time to go to print: this year –for the first time– all photographic prints are produced on-site in our Print Lab, in collaboration with Canon Italia and Center Chrome. After that, the prints are framed and hanged.


© Matteo Losurdo


Designing an exhibition means taking into account the the specific features of the location, in order to respect it and to find a balance between the setting and the work on show.


© Matteo Losurdo


Location scouting is a fundamental part of the festival, which is renowned for bringing back to life many abandoned buildings in Cortona. This means having to deal with beautiful locations that sometimes present challenges in order to be made available, requiring hard work to meet health and safety standards. This is done by our trusted technicians and volunteers.


© Matteo Losurdo


Palazzo Capannelli is this year’s new location. It’s the ancient home of a Cortonese aristocratic family, hosting 10 exhibitions from 12 July until 30 September 2018.


© Matteo Losurdo



kublaiklan è un collettivo che realizza progetti curatoriali, educativi e di comunicazione in ambito fotografico. I membri (Rica Cerbarano, Francesco Colombelli, Laura Girasole, Aleksander Masseroli Mazurkiewicz e Marco Spinoni) si sono conosciuti nell'ambito del Festival internazionale di fotografia Cortona On The Move.