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The alliance between the town itself and Cortona On The Move is without doubt the most significant and appealing feature of the festival because it has given new life to some of the town’s fascinating buildings and locations that were previously forgotten and neglected, but whose attractions are, once again, available for visitors and residents to appreciate.

The Vecchio Ospedale, the Ex Magazzino delle Carni and the Fortezza Medicea del Girifalco are the main exhibition sites of Cortona On The Move, each of which has been given new life by the festival activities, and visitors are absolutely fascinated by them. For 10 weeks every year, the festival becomes the heart and soul of Cortona. Its photographs adorn the walls of ‘vicoli’ and roads in the historic centre, while the town displays its beauty for all to see and admire, throughout the intense calendar of events that are on offer during the inauguration period.