Gulu Real Art Studio

In 2011, in a photo studio in Gulu, Uganda, Martina Bacigalupo notices a 10×15 cm colour portrait photo with a square hole instead of a head. When she meets Obal, the owner of the oldest photographic studio in town, he explains to her that people did not have the money to buy all four images produced by the digital cameras. Consequently, photographers prefer to use old rolls of film to take half-length portraits and then cut the head out. The rest is thrown away. So, she collects these leftover photographs, visiting Obal to choose the photographs he keeps for her.


Martina Bacigalupo (1978, Genoa, Italy), lived for years in Burundi where she worked as a freelance photographer. She now is based in Paris where is both a photographer and a photoeditor of 6 MOIS and XXI.

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