Each month five opportunities to learn and discover something new about photography. This May we suggest a workshop on visual narratives, a photobook about the UK as told by a great British photographer, an interview with Lorenza Bravetta and much more.
A WORKSHOP – “Screen Lab Express – Milan”
Istituto Europeo di Design, Via Amatore Sciesa 4, Milano
25-28 June 2018
Flink is a place – Zackary Canepari
In preparation of “Arena”, the new section of Cortona On The Move curated by Screen, the workshop Screen Lab Express will be organised at IED Milan.
Screen Lab Express-Milan is an intensive 4-day program for photographers, filmmakers,visual artists and visual journalists focusing on production and distribution of visual narratives in the film, digital video and art markets. The Lab will be led by award-winning photographers, artists and producers such asLaia Abril, Zackary Canepari, Liza Faktor, Adrian Kelterborn e Amber Terranova.
AN OPEN CALL – “Jest x #FotoRoomOPEN”
Deadline: 31 maggio 2018
“Jest x #FotoRoomOPEN” is a call for entries in collaboration with Fotoroom and Jest. Photographers are welcome to submit their photographic projects to win a solo show in Turin. The call has no theme. Jest is a young photography space founded by Francesca Cirilli and Tommaso Parrillo. The open call is sponsored by FotoRoom, an online space showcasing works of contemporary photography ranging in genre, theme and style, and made by artists from all over the globe.
The open call will close next 31 May.
A PHOTOBOOK –”Merrie Albion – Landscape Studies of a Small Island ” by Simon Roberts
Dewi Lewis Publishing, April 2018
£45 | 152 pages | 66 colour plates
“Merrie Albion – Landscape Studies of a Small Island” by Simon Roberts
For over a decade, Simon Roberts has photographed events and places across Britain that have drawn people together in public, reflecting on the nature of our shared histories and communal experiences. Merrie Albion – Landscape Studies of a Small Island brings together iconic images and many previously unpublished photographs, recording social practices and customs linked to the British landscape, as well as some of the economic and political theatre that has helped define recent history.
Simon Roberts will hold a workshop at Cortona Summer School on July 9th-10th-11th 2018.
AN ARTICLE – “Strategie per la fotografia. Intervista a Lorenza Bravetta”
By Alessandro Ottenga – 12 May 2018 – Artribune
“It’s time to stimulate a crucial sector in the Italian cultural and creative industry”. Lorenza Bravetta is an advisor of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Ministry has just launched the “Piano strategico di sviluppo della fotografia in Italia”, a 5-year plan to promote the advancement of photography in Italy. Bravetta describes the project to Artribune pinpointing policies, perspectives and opportunities to promote photography on a national and international level.
Click here to read the article
RANDOM – How to choose a frame for a photograph
Choosing the right frame for a photograph is not just a matter of taste. Frame makers Rufus Photo Hub are longtime friends and sponsor of the COTM festival: in this article, they outline the factors to take into account when selecting the right frame for your photograph.
Click here to read the article
Cover image © Simon Roberts